A Lady and a Dishonest Doctor | Story Writing

A story of a blind lady who calls a doctor to cure her blindness. After getting cured, she refuses to pay him as he stole her valuables.
Points: A blind lady - called in a doctor - agreed to pay fees if cured and nothing if not - doctor took valuable things daily from her house - lady became cured - doctor demanded fees - lady refused - doctor went to court - right judgment.


A Lady and a Dishonest Doctor

Once upon a time, there lived a blind lady in a village. She was very keen to get back her vision. So, she called in a doctor. The doctor assured her of curing her blindness, but he demanded a huge fee. The lady said that she would give him the sum if she was cured otherwise, she would not pay him even a penny.

The doctor started the treatment. Every day, he visited the lady's house and came out with a valuable thing from her house. After a few months, the lady got back her vision. The doctor then demanded his fees, but the lady refused to pay him anything because she could not see many valuable articles in her house.

Being angry, the doctor went to court. The judge listened to both sides and gave the right judgment, ordering the doctor to return all the stolen items.

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