Process Writing on Preparing Tomato Jelly | School Project Process writing for school project on Preparing Tomato Jelly Key points: Buying or Collecting Ripe Tomatoes - Sorting and Removing the …
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A Lady and a Dishonest Doctor | Story Writing Points: A blind lady - called in a doctor - agreed to pay fees if cured and nothing if not - doctor took valuable things daily from h…
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A Devastating Flood - Impact of Heavy Rainfall | Report Writing A Devastating Flood -by a staff reporter Medinipur, 10th July: Heavy rainfall has resulted in the overflowing of the rivers, taking a…
A Bus Accident - Early Morning Collision | Report Writing A Bus Accident -by a staff reporter Siliguri, September 17th, 2024: Yesterday, in the early morning, the brakes of a private bus fail…
Leave Application for School Due to Illness Write a letter to your headmistress requesting leave due to illness, explaining your condition and eagerness to return to school. To, …
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